Our values
Health and Safety
Children’s health, comfort and wellbeing strongly impact on their learning, confidence and self-growth. Adequate supervision and effective management of incidents and emergencies are paramount at all times to support children’s safety and engagement in the educational program. At Sunshine Buddies, we encourage our staff to participate in continuous training programs such as health, safety and injury management programs to be prepared for unexpected situations at the centre. There are checklists and procedures in place to ensure reasonable precautions and adequate supervision are in practice at all times, ensuring children are protected from harm and hazard.
Cognitive Development
Children’s thinking is different from the thinking of adults. Over time, children move through distinct stages of thinking as they develop more complex ways of understanding the world. In the first eight months of the child’s life, the brain matures. Connections are made for wiring the brain. Children’s play involves repeated interactions and explorations that strengthens the connections in the brain.
Play is one of the most essential ways children develop their thinking skills. Sunshine Buddies educational programs encourages play based learning. We supply children with a variety of new materials, expose them to new experiences, and encourage them to explore and experiment.
Building cognitive skills is an active process that requires hands-on learning. Choose activities that are just difficult enough so that children can learn a new skill or move toward a different way of thinking.
Our Sunshine Buddies educators are trained to work with and respect each child’s unique qualities and abilities. Furthermore, we live in a multicultural and multilingual society. We encourage our children to learn and respect each other as our children are from different cultural and religious backgrounds.